visual art, lighting art, festival of lights

BERLIN 10.-19.10.2014
„The Core.“ is three multimedia guru – Christopher Noelle, Rick Kay and Jörg Reinauer – dealing with visual installations and lighting-design.
The Festival of Lights is a lighting and projection festival taking place in Berlin each year in October.

During the Festival more than 40 major buildings are illuminated all over town. This year, the festival organizers invited The Core. to participate and work out a live-mapping show on the impressive corner-building at “Unter den Linden” for their clients flagshipstore Microsoft Berlin.Within less than a month of preproduction and preparation, The Core. came up with a complete thematical content-library related to the theme „DIGITAL MEETS HUMAN“ for the live-mapping in the deep heart of Berlin.

Over 10 nights the creators presented an impresssive diversity within their liveshow. To underline the mapped visuals and add a colorfull difference on top of the projection, Clay Pakys’ sharpy moving lights made the installation even more outstanding and the team was able to go even higher above the buildings projection to color the roof, also reaching heights up in the foggy sky that reminded the spectators of spinning batman-logos above the installation.

The projection was running with two computer-sources merged on an HD-Mixer, the live-feeds came from Arkaos GrandVJ in combination with Arkaos Mapper to feed the two 20k Christie projectors which were shooting doublestacked from a 45* angle onto the corner. The final Mapper file contained more than 80 layers which were individually grouped to different setup-combinations, so the artists were able to chose the prefered output-appearance on the fly.

By sharing the same Arkaos Mapper files as a solid base, each of the artists was able to focus more on individual modifications of the shared content-library to produce interesting parts which became mixed in realtime.

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