Pay attention folks, interactive public art doesn’t get much better than this. Artist duo Ygor Marotta and Ceci Soloaga of ‘VJ Suave’ designed these pheonomenal audiovisual tricycles lovingly called “Suaveciclos” that they use to project original animations on almost any nearby public surface. The São Paulo-based artists pack these hefty trikes to the gills with all manner of batteries, laptops, speakers, and high-powered projectors so they can roll through the night with crowds in tow as their animations spring to life against the urban backdrop. Using the on-board computers, Marotta and Soloaga are able to manipulate the videos in real-time to play certain animations tailored to different environments, creating unpredictable moments between space, audience, and art.

Over the last year or so VJ Suave have pedaled their bikes through Russia, Germany and Switzerland, but I think a few more cities are in order? Make it happen. (via Prosthetic Knowledge)









Via Thisiscolossal

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