B-Seite 2015

14-22 March 2015

The owners of a record player will easily relate to the concept of the Festival for Visual Arts and Contemporary Culture: sometimes it’s the unimposing “B” that is hiding the true gem of a vinyl record. B-Side is tracing these jewels that are prospering out of the limelight. The “B-Seite” festival risks a second look and does not refrain from placing the needle on the grooves that have gone unnoticed.

Exhibition, performances, workshops, lectures, installations, mapping and parties.

B-Seite 2015 is calling for entries!

We are in search of artists and contributors to the categories exhibition, performance, workshop and talk.

If you want more information what and how to submit follow this link.

March 14-22, 2015, zeitraumexit, Mannheim, Germany


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