artist and architect, marcos zotes, of new york city, has shared with designboom his new work, ‘rafmögnuð náttúra’. the video-mapping installation
was a temporary, site-specific work which appropriated the facade of hallgrímskirkja, the largest church of iceland, and enhanced the building
with color and movement moderated by the use of a midi controller. through the interaction of shapes and light with this static structure, the icelandic landmark became
a dynamic visual experience, having engaged passers-by in the public space, drawn in by the large projections and sound. the projections upon the front of the church
had been adapted to incorporate the formation of the existing facade.

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ was exhibited at the reykjavik winter lights festival 2012 in iceland february 9-12th and included a live performance of the icelandic band,
for a minor reflection.

‘rafmögnuð náttúra by marcos zotes / timelapse’ by metacitizen

‘rafmögnuð náttúra by marcos zotes’ is a short documentary by orkusalan

the intention is to challenge the audience’s spatial perception with an
installation that blurs the boundaries between dance, film and
-marcos zotes.

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ by marcos zotes and thessia machado
image by jón oskar hauksson

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ by marcos zotes and chris jordan
image by kristjan söebeck

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ by marcos zotes and coco karol
image by jón oskar hauksson

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ by marcos zotes
image by ragnar th sigurðsson

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ by marcos zotes and noa younse
image by hallgrimur p helgasson

for more information, visit rafmögnuð náttúra.

project info:

‘rafmögnuð náttúra’ was conceived by architect and artist marcos zotes and created in collaboration with chris jordan, thessia machado, noa younse, andrea dart, steven tsai, coco karol, azmi mert erdem and raghul sridharan.

concept and art direction: marcos zotes
technical direction:
chris jordan
marcos zotes, thessia machado, noa younse, andrea dart, steven tsai, chris jordan
choreography and dance performance:
coco karol
azmi mert erdem
special effects:
raghul sridharan
project management:
marcos zotes, gerður sveinsdóttir
for a minor reflection


Via Designboom

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