
Created by St. Petersburg artist collective VOLNA, Powerline is an audio reactive installation created for OFF:Rooms event, that took place in St. Petersburg on April 22 2017. It was located at the one of abandoned workshops of engineering factory on the outskirts of the city.

Installation was inspired by the relics of Soviet factories industrial power, whose potential remains unclaimed for many years. After the Soviet Union breakup, they came into disrepair not being able to upgrade itself to meet new economical and political realities. Some of them became a home for a small semi-legal business, many of them – turned into vandalized ruins. VOLNA describe Powerline as a “short circuit” caused by these circumstances.

Installation consists of 220 meters of electroluminescent wire mounted on 6 steel frames. Driven by generative beat structure they created a throbbing 15 meter “voltaic arc” filling the space with electric buzz and sparks during the night. The team used Arduino board to control wires animation, that was driven by sound-generated patterns in VVVV.

For more details Volna

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