Raven Kwok (aka Guo, Ruiwen) re-teams with Monstercat’s mysterious musical artist Karma Fields to create this mesmerizing, code-based generative video using Voronoi tessellation, a geometric model dating to René Descartes’ 1644 vortex theory of planetary motion.

Kwok, who’s Twitter profile reads “Artist (not full-of-shit type) / animator / programmer,” studied photography at Fudan University Shanghai Institute of Visual Art and graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Upstate NY with an M.F.A. degree in Electronic Arts.

Raven Kwok: “In Skyline’s systems, seeds for generating the diagram are sorted into various types of agents following certain behaviors and appearance transformations. They are driven by either the song’s audio spectrum with different customized layouts, or animated sequence of the vocalist, collectively forming a complex and organic outcome.”


Via Stashmedia

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