AV Projects
Interactive | 16 Dec, 2015 | Comments Off on Union VR, a first person art/empaty game por Oktopus
UNIONVRwasfirst introducedinSonarSoundSantiagodrew morethan 13 thousand people
The hangarsandthe runwayof a formerairport, weretheexperimentallandscapewhere music, creativity and technology crossed. Sonarlandedin Latin Americaandfirst cametoChile.
Inmore than 12 hoursshe broughtthe artisticvanguardwith35performancesspread over 3scenarios, reaching a perfectbalancebetweenestablished and emergingtalents.
Also,it createda linkbetween technology, talent and creativity, through Sonar& D, bringing togetherdigitalcommunities andactors in thecreative and entrepreneurialworld,under onewing.