Museum of Energy Mechanical Surface A/V Performance_santralistanbul 100th Anniversary

Santralistanbul Museum of Energy

Museum of Energy Mechanical Surface A/V Performance_santralistanbul 100th Anniversary

The Silahtarağa Power Plant’s first two engine rooms, built in 1913 and 1921 respectively, were reinforced and converted into the Santralistanbul Museum of Energy, retaining as many original elements as possible.

The first step in the power plant’s conversion to Museum of Energy was to halt the corrosion of the turbine generators and other machinery which had set in as a result of disuse since the plant’s decommissioning in 1983. Teams of experts moved in to clean up the machinery and apply a protective anti-corrosion sealant. Thereafter, the number one turbine generator group was restored to its original appearance of 1931. Meanwhile, the number three turbine generator group, which had been dismantled when production stopped at the plant, was preserved exactly as left.

Museum of Energy Mechanical Surface A/V Performance_santralistanbul 100th Anniversary
In the Museum of Energy’s number one and two Engine Rooms, visitors currently have the chance to see the AEG, Brown Boveri, Siemens and Thomson Houston made turbine generator groups. These were the key components of electricity generation at the Silahtarağa Power Plant and reflect the advanced technology of the age.

This a/v performance represents the motion of energy, rebirth of the Santral Energy Museum
by 3D Video Mapping Techniques.

This a/v performance represents the motion of energy, rebirth of the Energy Museum
by 3D Video Mapping Techniques.


Producer : Hipo

Project Management : Gökhan Okuyucu
Concept Development & Creative Direction : Burcu Ece Yılmaz & Gökhan Okuyucu

Direction and Animation : Ouchhh
Director: Ferdi Alıcı
Lead 3D Artist: Bahadır Dağdelen
Designer and Animators: Ali Say, Bahadır Dağdelen, Eylül Duranağac, Ferdi Alıcı
Sound Designer: Ali Can Okan

3D Modelling : Saygın Şoher & Sarper Şoher
Technical Design : Kaan Kartal & Saygın Şoher
Technical Support : Visions
Render Farm : RenderRider
3D Laser Scan : SolvoTek Mühendislik

Project Coordinator : Burçak Hırka (Hipo)
Documentation: Cansu Turan, Emre Kardeşseven
Documentation Music: PanPiper (Mehmet Unal)

Client: Palmet Enerji & İstanbul Bilgi University
Organization: Delano
Event: ICEM International Conference on Energy and Management
Place: santralistanbul Energy Museum

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