All images, products & texts are under © COPYRIGHT 2012-2015 – IF Cinzia Campolese, Marguerite Anthonioz, Régis Mandrillon, Erminio Alekos Serpente. GIF by the author, via

In January of this year, a French art and design collective comprised of two architects, a interior designer, and a set/graphic designer showcased a light installation within the entry hall of the Machine du Moulin Rouge in Paris. Artist and designer Cinzia Campolese with the IF design team unveiled Level, a mesmerizing, multifaceted LED installation composed of a collection of rectangular screens synced together to create different patterns and dynamic light illusions. The wall of light explores the way we perceive depth and volume, “using a transparent material a transparent material superimposed onto another, semi-reflective surface,” according to the project’s website. Perception of the image changes as the viewer moves around the piece, immersing the audience in what IF calls, “a world of reflections, fragmenting within the space.”

LEVEL from CinziaCampolese on Vimeo.

More recently, Campolese took the design concept seen in Level one step further, bringing her experience with video mapping and LED art to the world of decorative arts. Campolese effectively transferred the Level experience into a household accessory. 3 Steps is part of an ongoing visual installation, in which three objects are displayed separately, showing the evolution of these three different shapes through video projection. Campolese tells The Creators Project, the project started with the idea to “bring a piece of a ‘visual installation experience’ to the home, and make a part of an everyday life.”

GIF by the author, via

The light show created in the Level installation was converted into bite-size squares that look as easy to hang on your wall as a picture frame. “The object’s design it’s always something that’s fascinated me, the way you can create something that dictates a sort of atmosphere in the place you live. It is personal and really powerful,” Campolese explains. Now that you can Illuminate your living room with one of these multidimensional infinity portals, all we know is that we want one.

3. STEPS. from CinziaCampolese on Vimeo.

You can learn more about Cinzia Campolese’s work on her website.

Via The Creators Project

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