Created for the inaugural ‘Day for Night festival’ by NYC based Vincent Houzé, Stephen Baker and David Bianciardi (AV&C), Lull is an immersive and contemplative installation that explores the liminal state between conscious and unconscious. In the center of an unlit 6,000-square-foot warehouse, waves of projected liquid light undulate across the walls of a semitransparent triangular structure.

Simple rules shape this ever-evolving animation, combining organic abstracted patterns with complex behavior that teeter between order and chaos. Immersed in layers of distant melodies that reverberate in sync with the surging fluid, as well as in a dense plume of fog that extends and blurs the light within, visitors dip in and out of the sculpture as if in a dream.

Created using TouchDesigner, Ableton Live, volumetric scrim structure, projectors and fog.

Project Page | AV&C


Via Creative applications

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