Created by Hugo Arcier and presented at the “Fantômes numériques” exhibition (Lux-Scène Nationale), FPS is an installation inspired by the November 2015 Paris attacks. The visitors are invited to interact with a game controller, constructing a ‘memorial’ from gunshots. The only visible elements are pyrotechnic effects, gunshots, muzzle flashes, sparks, impacts and smoke.

The illuminated traces of gunshots and flashes reveal a decor and impersonal silhouettes. The environment has been constructed from scratch using Unreal Engine 4 and the installation runs on a single PC and a gaming controller.

Music by Stéphane Rives and Frédéric Nogray (The Imaginary Soundscapes)

See also 11 Executions – Armed violence and modern terrorism meet videogames AI

Project PageHugo Arcier

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h/t Prosthetic Knowledge

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