go:vj enables anyone to mix video in real-time, anywhere they can go. Video artists and performers can control video playback, add and control effects, and choose from a selection of different blending types.

Just connect an Apple AV adaptor for output to a projector or screen, or use AirPlay to send video over wifi to an Apple TV.

The app has a streamlined UI, designed to enable the user to keep their video mix going. With responsive effects and controls, go:vj enables anyone to become the VJ, from the palm of their hand.

go:vj Features

• Smooth two channel A-B mixing.
• A choice of different blend modes.
• Real-Time video effects, with responsive controls.
• Video speed controls.

Pricing and Availability

go:vj is available on the App Store for just $6.99 / £4.99 / €6,99. go:vj is designed for iPhone and iPod touch. go:vj requires OS 8.0 or newer.
App Store Link: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1028844660

Additional Information

A limited number of Promotional Codes are available to members of the media. Journalists interested in receiving one should contact David Wood, Owner – davidw@roboheadz.com.
Screenshots, icons and other related media are available for download from here: http://www.govjapp.com/presskit.zip

About Roboheadz

Roboheadz is a software development company based in Leicester UK, specialising in unique video applications for mobile platforms.

Press Contact

David Wood
Email: davidw@roboheadz.com Twitter:@govjapp Website: www.govjapp.com

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