Kyle Lyons
Kyle Lyons runs and updates the website to provide royalty free content to the masses. He travels to foreign clubs and festivals mixing custom and appropriated content from VJ Loops. He enjoys mixing to all styles and genres of music.. He is always looking for a new adventure and is available for worldwide bookings. Kyle resides in Valencia, Spain. If your in the area let him know. I hear Kyle Lyons gives a great tour 🙂

Lumen: Tell us some facts about yourself – how have you started the video loops production?Kyle: I have been working as a visual artist since 1999. I started VJLoops in 2005. My work primarily consists of time-lapse photography & video.

Lumen: What were the main troubles for you with it on start?

Kyle: The biggest obstacles I faced were the cost of equipment and developing  the film before digital became standard.

50 Shades of Greyscale feat. V.A. VJLoops 2015 from on Vimeo.

Lumen: Please, describe your vision of the video loops market.

Kyle: I think the video loops market will continue to thrive. Content is king and there will always be a demand for high quality professionally produced media. Take a look at the stock footage market and this is a pretty good indicator of where the video loops market could be.

Lumen: How do you evaluate the development of this market for today?

Kyle: Word of mouth, I listen to artists and follow trends and news in social media. I also like to analyze the stock footage industry of prominent sites like Shutterstock, Pond5, VideoHive and so on.

Lumen: What kind of video content will you mark as the most popular now and in the future?

Kyle: Content that is high quality & royalty free is the most versicle and useful for customers. Think 1080p and higher with a high quality or uncompressed codec.

Lumen: Is there any difference between creating video content for sale and just for self-satisfaction?

Kyle: I think it depends on each person. In my case, it’s my livelihood. It’s how I earn my living. My full-time job is creating and selling stock footage & visuals. I love what I do so for me there isn’t much a difference.

Glow Glow Dancers by Dubassy- from on Vimeo.

Lumen: What is your favourite pack or kit of video content?

Kyle: I prefer my tripod, camera and lenses.

Lumen: How long do you work on one random pack of content?

Kyle: I don’t create packs, I create individual loops or videos. From start to finish it can take days or weeks.

Lumen: Is it hard to sell video content in case of market competition?

Kyle: No, if the content is fresh, unique, high quality or in demand it sells itself.

Lumen: Please, describe the relationship between VJs community and content producers.

Kyle: Not every VJ is a producer so there exists a need for content producers. Not only that not everyone who purchases or downloads content is a VJ. There are editors, DJs, lighting techs, clubs, festivals, concerts, marketing and advertising agencies who require content. They either do not possess the skills or have the time to create the content themselves.

Lumen: What are the main problems in the communication of inside the VJ community?

Kyle: I think there could be a few things. Off the top of my head, I think language barriers, cultural differences, local economy from one place to another. Perhaps the fact that some artists don’t value their work, time and energy that goes into creating the content or working as a VJ.

Lumen:  Please, announce your new loops pack or other types of video content.

Kyle: Visit for high-quality royalty free stock footage & visuals. Available in 720p, 1080p and 4K! Looking to distribute your content and earn up to 60% in royalties join our team of over 375 artists from around the world.

Lumen:  Thanks for your time, Kyle!


Sponsor of Article: LIME ART STORE – Vj Loops Stock

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