Miguel CHEVALIER Flower Power 2017

Bispetorv Square, Aarhus Festival 2017 Aarhus, Denmark
August 25 to September 3, 2017

Software: Claude Micheli
Technical Production: Voxels Production

A film by Claude Mossessian © Claude Mossessian

Miguel CHEVALIER Flower Power 2017 Aarhus (Denmark) with interview from Claude Mossessian on Vimeo.

“Flower Power 2017”

As part of the Aarhus festival, Miguel Chevalier imagined a monumental installation “Flower Power 2017”.
This work was created especially for the place Bispetorv also known as the place Bishop.
This new generative and interactive virtual installation is an ode to a reinvented nature.


Miguel Chevalier intervenes at dusk and presents three interactive flowerbeds of virtual flowers projected on the ground.
Each projection measures 14 × 10m. “Flower Power 2017” is composed of luminescent virtual flower beds.
Miguel Chevalier has incorporated in the garden, varieties of flowers specific to Denmark.

The installation puts visitors in front of a captivating vegetal universe in perpetual transformation.
Visitors are transported into a dreamlike universe.
The various installations of Miguel Chevalier immerses us in a mysterious vegetal universe, a virtual environment in perpetual transformation.
Visitors are transported into a universe between dreams and reality.
These different installations seek to create a new poetic relationship between art and the plant, to recreate the conditions of a symbiosis between man and this re-invented nature.

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