Light and sound meet in perfect synchrony in Cocolab’s ‘White Canvas’ installation.

A blacked-out warehouse in Mexico City hosts a new immersive audiovisual installation by Cocolab, the multidisciplinary Mexican design studio previously responsible for beautifully illuminated cathedrals and giant laser spheres. In their new project, White Canvas, a long grrd of stage spotlights produce slick and dynamic light movements that animate a trip-hop score written by a Belgian act called Before Tigers. In a similar vein to Nonotak, each light in the installation can be manipulated individually and choreographed to perform with or illuminate any individual sound.


Undulating columns of light move like waves over sweeping synth chords—rolling lines of flickering lights augment screeching white noise samples. The interaction between light and sound within the installation is so fluid it looks like one could actually be producing the other. See for yourself in the video below:

White Canvas was commissioned by the creative laboratory ACRA for the 2016 TagCDMX festival. For more information about the festival, head over to their website. To see more from Cocolab, click here.

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