Created by Jerobeam Fenderson and Hansi Raber, Oscilloscope Music is an audio-visual album that uses old analogue oscilloscopes for displaying hand crafted waveforms as x-y plot.

The project explores the missed possibilities of a (quasi) dead analog screen technology, while at the same time pushing for a completely different way of synthesizing audio signals. Together with the album, the custom application “OsciStudio” was also released. It is a synthesizer that connects to the 3d modelling application blender to generate sounds which, when played into an oscilloscope, generate the 3d model.

Software included max msp, pd, oscistudio (custom, based on openframeworks), sketchyscope (unreleased), simulated oscilloscope (free, based on openFrameworks and FFmpeg). PD Patches are released here.

Project PageJerobeam Fenderson | Hansi Raber

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