QUINTESENCE – Live Audio/Visual Performance by Florence To and Ricardo Donoso


Quintesence was premiered at the Satosphere dome, Society for Arts and Technology in Montreal on May 2015. The dome is 18 metres in diameter and 11.5 to 13m high, forms a 360-degree spherical projection screen and can accommodate up to 350 visitors. The sound system is made up of157 speakers in clusters of four around the perimeter of the dome, giving a surround sound of 39.4 channels.

QUINTESENCE [SAT] Montreal from Florence To on Vimeo.


Entering the dome is a commitment to the descent – for 25 minutes we explore the blackened shadows of the psyche & the inherent dualities observed within the mind. Visualising a process of elements that represent the development of the psychic process, symbols represent elements of the subconscious, telling a story of how memory may be disorientated, distorted, dysfunctional yet acting as a linear process to individuation.

Using contemporary classical composition techniques and elements of sound system culture to heighten the viewers engagement with the different dimensions of space being presented and to enhance their depth of perception.

Photography by Sébastien Roy

This is an entirely digital production, yet the subject matter is really about the natural world and our relationship to it “It is about existing on a plane void of technology while discovering the psychological term of identity within the context of a purely natural world, uninterrupted by contemporary hurdles” – experimenting with this idea – the performance translates the concept into a technological point of view transforming these ideas into an intense audio/visual performance that will provoke these senses and emotional experiences.

PROJECT INFORMATION: http://florence-to.com/QTSNCE
For more information please contact florenceto@live.co.uk

“QUINTESENCE” project is a co-production and benefited from the residency program in research and creation at the Society for Art and Technology (SAT) – http://www.sat.qc.ca

Click here to see more of  Florence-to work.
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