This is a new reactive/generative content audiovisual project created and designed by Boris Divider for a dome environment, everything triggered and mixed in realtime, where art and technology live together.

New and original music material was composed for such event, where the dome will reflect geometry shapes, visual patterns, and several layers of video triggered from the audio tracks.

This project was planned as part of the cultural activities of the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art 50th Anniversary (Cuenca, ES) for this year 2016. Also supported by the Castilla-La Mancha Museum of Science and Cuenca Abstracta 2016 organization. Below you can watch a video footage from the premier performance at the CLM Museum of the Sciences’ dome last 15th july 2016. 

Pictures, video shots and film by Adrian M. Ferrer

For bookings please contact

Design concept, production and programming by Boris Divider.

Click here to see more of Boris Divider work.
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