For the recently re-opened Danish Royal Jelling National Museum realised a projection mapping installation for the institution’s mythology room (assignment and creative lead: Art+Com studios).
Across several levels, outsized roots of the Yggdrasil tree – a legend in Nordic lore – served as projection surfaces for images, text and animations that bring the Viking mythology to live. Here, twelve essential tales from the realms of cosmology, magical items, crossing realms and Ragnarok are staged across three trees using a combination of illustrative character animations and abstract motion design. Switches between themes and areas are underscored by atmospheric colour changes of backlit rear panels spread across the entire room.
m box fleshed out the Art+Com storylines and brought them to life with details, designs and animations. In addition, m box brought in the m-wall media server to handle programming, feeds and on-site mapping adaptations.

Jahr: 2015

Ort: Jelling, Dänemark

Auftraggeber: ART+COM Studios / Vejle Kommune

Agentur: ART+COM Studios

Team: H. Breineder, J. Holzer, D. Huber, M. Retschitzegger, M. Schobel,

Format: 15 Minuten – Projectionmapping 3 × 1920×1200 Pixel

Sounddesign: picaroMEDIA / Peter Weinsheimer

Aufgabe: Design, Animation, Post Produktion, Programmierung, Technische Realisation vor Ort

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