With a neverending procession of distressing events in the news lately, you might be in need for a substantial dose of something absurdly happy. If so, this new music video for Cameroonian singer-songwriter Irma will surely fit the bill. The video was created by French design house SuperBien and directed by Xavier Maingon and Marc-Antoine Hélard who opted to shoot the entire piece on a single soundstage with the use of 7 digital projectors. The shoot must have been a Herculean effort on behalf of the kids who had to rock it out for 20-25 takes before getting the final version. The song is “Save Me” off her 2014 album Faces. (via Motionworks, Booooooom, and Jeff is right, this wins the award for most-fun-being-had-in-a-video)

Source This is colossal

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