PM Screen

PM Screen premiered at the international Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January, 2015. When PM Screen stepped into the biggest electronics show in the world, they provided a unique way to market Altec Lansing’s new Boom Jacket wireless speaker.

By utilizing 3D holographic displays, the company’s creative team has designed a storyline that visually displayed top features of the new speaker. For their first project in the United States, PM Screen placed the Boom Jacket speakers inside holographic displays, and surrounded them with 3D animation. The 3D animation visually displayed the capabilities of the product, as well as caused people to stop and take another look. This powerful way to showcase the product stirred up much interest and excitement from CES attendees.

“While supporting Altec Lansing’s new product launch program, we got an opportunity to show our abilities and create a stand which not only showcases the product well, but also causes it to come alive. We are very pleased with the positive response that our innovative solutions have received from the convention attendees.  Based on the strong, positive feedback, we are very confident that the U.S. market will recognize and respond well to our innovation.”

— Darius Cincys, Director of the US Market for PM Screen.

When presenting new products and technologies at an event the size of CES, it is very difficult to stand out. Understanding the market needs, PM Screen offers services that will help major brands capture the attention of today’s consumer.

About PM Screen:
PM Screen is an innovative multimedia company specializing in 3D mapping projections. Established in Northern Europe in 2010, PM Screen, has now expanded into the US market this year with a newly started office in Seattle, WA.
The company has combined creative and artistic solutions with cutting edge technologies to create a desired “WOW!” effect by successfully portraying reality through animation.
PM Screen has completed projects for a number of well-known European brands, including: Coca-Cola, Mini, Ice Hockey World Championship 2014, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Redbull, Tuborg and more. Over 4 million people have seen a PM Screen production around the World.
PM Screen currently has 30 employees across the globe and is growing rapidly.

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