Find out best offers of Christmas VJ Loops and software for 2021

Every year from the beginning of December numerous traditional red and shiny decorations appear all over the world. That’s so, because Christmas and New Year times is near, apparently! Themed parties and events are starting in all the different places. Rave parties and festivals are not an exception, of course. Also, Christmas and New Year is a time of bulk discounts! That’s why we we researched and collected the best examples of Christmas VJ Loops & VJ Software in 2020 with huge discounts. Enjoy!

Best Sales of Christmas VJ Loops:

Hail Santa VJ Loops Pack Vol.70 by LIME ART GROUP

Main guest of every Christmas celebrating event – Santa Claus! Watch him dance, watch him jump, watch him partying! Because even if year was tough, now is time to be joyful! Santa Claus partying hard on black background. Useful high quality VJ loops for noisy party!

Santa Claus

Snowflake VJ Loops by VJ Loops Farm

Obvious attribute of any winter party – snow and frost! Various miracle snowflakes, frost patterns and ornament, falling snow and glowing stars. Enjoy bright and colorful visuals!


Christmas Video Mapping Toolkits Bundle Vol.3 by Video Mapping Store

Huge bundle of various Christmas and Winter themed content for video mapping. 3 packs of mapping toolkits, 2 packs of mapping loops, 2 packs of mapping textures and stunning pack of sound effects for projection mapping. Great possibility to get a huge amount of quality content with one purchase.

Christmas Mapping Bundle

Party Flame VJ Loops Pack by VJ Loops Farm

Fire up your party with red-hot fiery visuals! 30 looped videos of abstract fire and sparkle figures. Lighten your event with bright and warm flames.

Santa Claus Party Action by Green Screen Stock

Want to try yourself and create your own VJ content for Christmas? Not a problem! Take this pack of high quality video footage, filmed on green chromakey background. The pack contains 20 not looped clips of joyful Santa Claus walking, dancing, partying and more other stuff. Use your imagination, create your own visuals!

Christmas Tree Mapping Toolkit by Video Mapping Store

Sometimes you don’t have space to place a Christmas tree or sometimes your tree isn’t large enough, and you want more. Do you want a bigger pine tree? What about a building sized tree? There you go! A Christmas tree mapping toolkit to make spruce branches cover whole facade!

Christmas toolkit


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