

Cinéma Tous Ecrans, digital art

Cinéma Tous Ecrans. 20 years of digital art

A NEW LOCATION AND A NEW BEGINNING FOR THE GENEVA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL/FESTIVAL TOUS ÉCRANS To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Geneva International Film Festival/Festival Tous Écrans had handled over Pitoëff ...
ATOM, media awards


Tickets are now available for Australia’s leading film and media awards for the education and industry sectors – the IP Awareness 2014 ATOM Awards Tertiary & Industry Awards Night. ...
visual art, lighting art, festival of lights

Festival of lights Berlin 2014

BERLIN 10.-19.10.2014 „The Core.“ is three multimedia guru – Christopher Noelle, Rick Kay and Jörg Reinauer – dealing with visual installations and lighting-design. The Festival of Lights is a lighting and projection festival ...