ArKaos, LDI, 2014

Let’s see what ArKaos prepared for us on LDI 2014 Show!

  • Hardware Overview: Stage, Studio and Stadium Servers
  • Software: Overview of MediaMaster Express 4 and MediaMaster Pro 4
  • Interface: Including Theatre Mode and Advanced Fixture Mode
  • Geometrical Correction: Soft Edge, Keystone, Geometrical Correction, Basic and Advanced Soft Edge
  • Led Mapper Interface Overview and Fixture Mapping
  • Video Mapper: Interface Overview, Output Management Hands-On 3d Surface Mapping and Interpolation

Intro LDI 2014:

LDI 2014 ArKaos Training Introduction MediaMaster Express and Pro:

LDI 2014 Training introduction to ArKaos Stage, Studio and Stadium:

The freshest info directly from ArKaos.


Now in its 27th year, Live Design International (LDI) has become the leading tradeshow and conference for live design professionals in North and South America. Over 8,000 attendees working in theatre, concerts, houses of worship, corporate presentations, clubs, theme parks, and any other live venue, come to LDI from 72 countries to see the latest gear in action, refresh their knowledge, and replenish their creativity. More than 300 exhibiting companies provide attendees with live demos and the opportunity for face-to-face discussions about equipment, including lighting, sound, projection, and special effects.


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