Digital Art in Barcelona

This year The MIRA Digital Arts Festival will hold its 6th edition on November 10, 11, 12 at Barcelona’s art factory Fabra i Coats, three days only dedicated to digital arts. This edition of MIRA has scheduled more than 30 activities focused on music and live visuals: 20 AV Shows, 360º Fulldome shows, 4 conferences, 2 screenings 3 immersive inhalations and MIRA’s Digital Art Gallery, a new creative space of the festival. Also, it is a great opportunity to attend the unique workshop “Immersive Dome Workshop”, that will take place on November 7, 8 and 9 in Fabra i Coats.

“MIRA is the digital arts festival focused on the intersection between electronic music and live visuals. Since 2011, MIRA is an international placeholder in the digital arts calendar generating new creations, unexpected symbiosis, knowledge transfer, and opportunities to ensure musical and visual artistic match and create immersive experiences in audiovisual shows, fulldome audiovisual shows, installations, workshops, screenings and conferences.”

“MIRA encourages artistic collaborations, enables the emergence of new projects and supports relationships between collectives, associations and individuals linked with digital arts and technology. The non-profit organization feature and the volunteering participation make outputs to be reinvested in promoting an attractive and sustainable culture.”

You can find more information about the upcoming festival, lineup and tickets here.





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