A stream of blue neon light dances around the Spanish desert in a new music for London based producer Sam Shepherd, better known as Floating Points. “Silhouettes” is a fresh fusion of electro-jazz funk off a Shepherd’s forthcoming debut album, Elaenia, set to release November 6th in the US on Luakea Bop. In the video, luminous fluttering stream navigates through the dark desert landscape of Rio Tinto in the city Huelva in southwestern Spain. Lines of light morph to create abstract geometric designs and symmetrical swirls. At one point the blue neon outlines the body of a shark and weaves through space like a creature of the sea.

The music video is the experimental brainchild of a creative team of mix media artists and filmmakers Pablo Barquín, Junior Martínez, Nathan Grimes, and Anna Diaz Ortuño.  According to the video’s description, the visuals are produced with a light painting machine, similar to light artist Darren Pearson’s stop-motion animation work. Frame by frame, the machine draws 3D-animated, lucid light forms, taking its cues from Floating Points’ complex composition.

As the video comes to an end the light starts to gather in an orbit above a small hole. The light floats over a pool of water, reflecting the hued colors. The camera retreats backwards revealing the studio in which they filmed the video, providing a short peek into Hamill Industries, director Pablo Barquin’s production banner head and artist collective. Check it out below:

Floating Points – Silhouettes (official video) from floating points on Vimeo.

Check out more of Floating Points music here, and more from Hamill Industries here.

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